Car model and year:
Golf 5 from 2005
I m making key. The old has been changed because km clock does not work. I v got pincode and CS code. I go to key learn. Diag find the car. do learn. Get message adaptation finish but car not start.
Correct procedure:
With vvdi2:
Old cluster:
Read immo data and mileage. Save file.
New cluster.
Read immo data and mileage. Save file.
Open old cluster immo data file. Write it to cluster. Write original mileage to cluster.
Reset cluster, job done and it will work with original keys. If any problems recode keys, but I never needed it.
The way to read immo for golf 5 can immo 4 car with Xhorse VVDI2:
Immo data cloned from old cluster. It's very easy to do... just plug the VVDI2 device to the car and it will read immo directly.
original: how to use VVDI2 to make key on Golf 5 from 2005?