VVDI2 Key Programmer software support Unlock function: You can unlock the transponder to blank with correct crypto key.And here we will we will display VVDI2 unlock toyota smart key 80bit.
1.Click “VVDI2 Quick Start” icon,choose “Transpond programmer” software.
2.Use Autodetect transponder to detect transponder type.
3.Choose “Special Unlock Toyota Smart Key”
4.Choose “Smart 10/80bit”[Please note, present V4.1.0 VVDI2 software Unlock Toyota Smart 128 is not available,will develop in future.]
1.Test battery:test key’s battery status.
2.Check bank:Test the key is learned or not learn.
3.Unlock:Reset learned smart key to virgin one after success unlock,the LED on key will flash one time.
Battery Must be placed in key for the above operation.